Honored Guests

Honored Guests

Rabbi – Yoni Fischer

Is a Rebbe, mentor, and guide to many with
his deep respect, interest, non-judgement,
and love to his students and listeners.

He is the Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Matisyahu (on Moshav Matityahu) as well as programs including an IDF lone soldier house, a farm in Yehuda V’Shomron, and a rehab.

He was previously the founder and Rosh Yeshiva of Lev Shlomo in Baltimore, then Menahel Ruchani and rebbe in Yeshiva Shor Yoshuv and also the Director of SHMA Boys Camps.

Rabbi Fischer leads his students in a way that focuses on becoming amazing husbands, living authentically, loving one’s self, and learning to walk hand-in-hand with Hashem.

We are honored to have Rabbi Fischer running our Bais Medrash including giving shuirim and being available for one on one guidance to our teens as well as guiding parents on raising children, shalom bayis and navigating life at all ages. We are privileged to have the opportunity of having a mentor with Rabbi Fischer experience, warmth and tremendous capabilities on hand all Yom tov.

Rabbi –  Dovid Gottlieb

is the Managing Director of Tzalash (www.tzalash.org), the leading organization dedicated to helping soldiers maintain their religious commitment and emotional well-being during their IDF service. He is also the rabbi of Kehillat HaEla, a growing community in the suburbs of Ramat Beit Shemesh. Additionally, Rabbi Gottlieb is a Ra”m at Yeshivat Har Etzion (Gush).

Prior to his aliyah to Israel in August, 2010, Rabbi Gottlieb served as rabbi of Congregation Shomrei Emunah, in Baltimore, MD.

Rabbi Gottlieb received his rabbinic ordination from Yeshiva University, where he was also a member of their prestigious Wexner Kollel Elyon. In addition to other scholarly publications, he is most recently the author of Ve-Ha’Er Einenu, a four-volume collection (out of a planned five-volume series) of inspiring and thought-provoking essays on the weekly Torah portion which is distributed to soldiers throughout the IDF.

A highly regarded speaker and teacher, Rabbi Gottlieb has served as a Scholar in Residence for numerous communities in the United States, Canada, England, South Africa, and Israel. Additionally, since the start of the war in Gaza, he has been interviewed and profiled by some of the leading podcasts in the Jewish world, such as Inspiration for the Nation, Halacha Headlines and Behind
the Bima.

Nearly 2,000 of Rabbi Gottlieb’s classes and articles are available online at www.yutorah.org and etzion.org.il/en.

Rabbi Gottlieb is married to Ilana, the director of Midreshet AMIT, and they are blessed with four children and one grandchild